Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Meaning: a lampoon, satire or libel. Cotgrave:
The name of an Image, or Poste in Rome, whereon Libels and defamatorie Rimes are fastened, and fathered; also, as Pasquille.  A Pasquill; a Libell clapt on a Poste, or Image.
Usefulness: 2 (The reply-all email, the passive-agressive post-it, the anonymous online outburst, the aggrieved graffito; pasquinades all, and all potentially as comic.)

Logofascination: 1 (Derived from the nickname of a statue in Rome, on which such things were posted - for more on the statue, and the etymology of lampoon as a bonus, see here.)

In the wild: First encountered at LTA (see here for one in Latin) and then in the post linked to above, which mentioned Rabelais.

Degrees: 2

Connections: Pasquinade - Pasquilli

Which is used in: Book the Second (Pantagruel), VII: How Pantagruel came to Paris, and of the choice books of the Library of St. Victor.  The wondrous library of St Victor is a pasquinade in its own right, lampooning academic texts so well that it could still apply today - titles include:
The Snatchfare of the Curates.
Reverendi patris fratris Lubini, provincialis Bavardiae, de gulpendis lardslicionibus*, libri tres. (Frame translates loosely as: Reverend Father Friar Gulligut Smellsmock, On the nibbling of bacon snacks, three books)
Pasquilli Doctoris Marmorei, de capreolis cum artichoketa comedendis, tempore Papali ab Ecclesia interdicto. (Frame: Pasquin, the Marmoreal** Doctor, On eating roe-deer with artichokes in Lenten time when it is forbidden by the Church.)
The Invention of the Holy Cross, personated by six wily Priests.
The Spectacles of Pilgrims bound for Rome.

A number of these would now be considered Market Research. 

*I should really trademark this. Bacon snacks called Lardslicionibus would sell.
**Of marble

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